Memorial and Medical Funds
Bella Memorial Medical Fund
Bella spent her first two years in a place that bred dogs just like her for a profit. She was living in extremely poor conditions without electricity or running water with over 20 other dogs. She was severely matted and flea infested and was nursing five puppies. She and her puppies were rescued by an animal control officer and taken to Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center to be cared for and nurtured back to health.
The Zebrowski-Pradhan family was able to provide her and her puppies a foster home and Bella quickly became part of the family. For eight years, she was a constant companion and best friend. She recently passed away after a long battle with Mitral Valve Disease (MVD) in December 2016. MVD is the most common form of heart disease found in dogs, with small dogs being affected the most.
This year, the Zebrowski-Pradhan family established the Bella Memorial Medical Fund of Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center. The fund will help animals with special needs receive the veterinary care they need in order to heal and be adopted into safe, loving homes.
The Bella Memorial Medical Fund enables Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center to provide costly medical care and procedures to needy pets wanting nothing more than to continue loving and enjoying life with a human companion.

“Bella was such a patient and loving companion for many years. Her spirit and legacy will continue on to help more animals of [Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center] that are fortunate enough to have the second chance that Bella received through the Bella Memorial Medical Fund.”
How to Contribute
You can help us provide vital medical treatment to more animals like Bella. Visit the Bella Memorial Medical Fund and give today. Your contribution will directly support an animal that is in need of surgery or extreme medical care. To make a donation by phone, call our Development Team at 856-401-1300 ext. 118. Your gift will help us save more lives today!
Lulu's Legacy
Lulu joined the Ionno-Tennett family as a hospice foster in January 2021. They consider themselves lucky to have been her family for the last 55 days of her life. Lulu passed away from metastatic mammary breast cancer, an almost completely preventable disease if she had been spayed early in life. A dog spayed prior to her first heat has less than a 1% chance of developing mammary tumors.
The Ionno-Tennett family misses Lulu every day and they never want another dog to pass in such a needless way. So, they have established Lulu’s Legacy, a spay and neuter sponsorship program for dogs in need. In addition they aim to be a source of spay and neuter education and resources. Did you know that by neutering just one male dog and spaying just one female dog, more than 67,000 births could be prevented over the course of six years?
“Lulu was only with us for a short amount of time, but she made a long lasting imprint in our lives. We hope by educating the public and holding this ongoing fundraiser, we can decrease the severe overpopulation problem in shelters across the country, and stop animals from passing from preventable and treatable health issues. SPAY AND NEUTER SAVES LIVES!” – The Ionno-Tennett family

“Lulu was the sweetest dog you could ever imagine. She was a 14 year old puggle who loved strawberries, walks, and every person and animal she ever met.”
For more information on mammary tumors, the benefits of spay and neuter and the Lulu’s Legacy program, view and/or download the brochure.
Visit the Lulu's Legacy donation page today. Your contribution will help support their spay and neuter sponsorship program for dogs in need as well as their spay and neuter education and resources programs.