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Appointments are required for all spay/neuter surgeries.
There is a $50 non-refundable deposit required at the time of scheduling your pet for surgery.
All surgical pricing includes a pre-surgical exam and nail trim.
Feline Spay $85
Feline Neuter $60

Canine Spay/Neuter
6-50 lbs. - Male $225 | Female $260
51 - 75 lbs. - Male $285 | Female $310
76 - 85 lbs. - Male $315 | Unavailable*
​*We do not spay any females over 65 lbs.​
Canine spay/neuter fees include a pre-surgical exam, anesthesia administration, a nail trim, a pain injectable and a supply of pain medication to send home.
E-Collars $14-$28*
* Price varies by the size of your dog.
No surgery if a female is in heat (must wait 2 weeks); add $100 to surgery price if pregnant. Additional charge for retained testicles.
Feline Spay/Neuter
Male $115 | Female $140
Surgery for Feral Cats (includes rabies, FVRCP, and ear-tipping $50
Onsior pain injection (24 hrs.) $12
Onsior pain pills (3 days) $15
No surgery if a female is in heat (must wait 2 weeks); add $100 to surgery price if pregnant. Additional charge for retained testicles.
Reduced rates are available to Shelters, Rescues, and Feral Cat Trappers.
Rescue Partners
Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center Clinic offers discounts for our rescue partners. Rescues must be a registered 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. Please contact our Clinic Manager at or 856-401-1300 x106 for more information about rescue rates services.
Community Cats
TNRs are being supported by a grant given to Homeward Bound.
Camden County residents at this time will not be charged for community cats.
This includes: spay/neuter, ear tip, feline distemper, and a 1 year rabies vaccine.
Unlike stray cats, who have once been a companion house cat and were abandoned or became lost, community cats are born outside and live their entire lives there. A community cat has never lived with a human family. They generally form colonies, making their home wherever they can find food, avoiding human contact whenever possible. Tomcats prowl for mates, females become pregnant, and the cycle of reproduction continues.
Community cats have a home – outdoors. Adult community cats are part of all landscapes. They usually cannot be socialized and are content living outdoors. Feral kittens can often be tamed and placed in homes, but they must be socialized in their first weeks of life. This is a critical window and if they aren’t handled in time, they will remain feral and therefore unadoptable.
Trap, Neuter, and Return or TNR is a program in which stray and community cats already living outdoors in your city, town, or rural area are humanely trapped. They are then evaluated, vaccinated, and sterilized by veterinarians. Kittens and tame (stray) cats are adopted into good homes. Healthy adult cats too wild to be adopted are returned to their outdoor home to be cared for by local volunteers for the rest of their lives. This ongoing care creates a safety net for both the cats and the community. No more kittens are born, and the community cat population is reduced.
Ear tipping for ferals is available at no additional charge. Ear tipping allows residents and animal control officers to easily identify cats that are already sterilized and part of a managed colony. This saves the cat from unnecessary trapping and anesthesia after it has already been fixed, and cat trappers from trapping and spending money on already-sterilized cats.
Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center Clinic provides low-cost surgeries for community cat caregivers. See pricing table above for details.
Please contact our office at or 856-401-1300 x109 to schedule your surgery appointment today or for more information about community cat services.
We happily accept cash, Visa, or Mastercard. We cannot accept personal checks.
There is a $4 medical waste fee per visit per animal for medical services. If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact us at or 856-401-1300 x109!
Thank you for choosing our clinic! Our open admission animal shelter took in over 5,500 animal last year, and we can't do what we do without your support!
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